About Us

Thanks for visiting! Kate & Jon are life & business partners and holistic practitioners. They have their own wolf pack with three Siberian huskies named Maverick, Tiko, and Luna. You can learn more about your hosts Kate & Jon below:


Hi! I’m Jon. Bit of a crazy Gemini. I can probably best be described as intense and ambitious, but also a goofball. I’m the perfect example of someone who transformed their life by implementing holistic changes. Balancing my mind, body, and spirit took me on a beautiful journey out of suicide recovery and toward self-discovery and self-mastery. Not only did I conquer mental illnesses and overhaul my diet to look & feel better, but I started designing my dream life, which led me onto a 6 year path in a lifestyle I dreamed about: Mixed Martial Arts.

One of the biggest challenges to my recovery was contradicting narratives about what did and didn’t work with regard to various facets of our health. So, I went through an exhausting period of trial-and-error - trying things and documenting, reassessing, adding on, and so on. Being an analytical mind, I like data to drive my decision-making. I learned why “holistic” healing wasn’t being discussed more - though there was often data showing various benefits, these modalities were still seen as taboo when compared to more traditional modalities, despite their being around longer. Often, holistic modalities were even mocked, despite outperforming traditional modalities.

Today, a holistic path has led me toward my childhood dream: becoming a musician. In January of 2023 I released my debut single completely on my own, and my music career is a life goal that I will never again let go of. The Illuminated Path Podcast is a platform for me to share my transformative story out of lifelong darkness and into someone who has learned to choose happiness & positivity and consciously manifest their will. I hope to bring thought-provoking insights, research, and lived experience to the podcast to help others conquer their own struggles.

Hi there, I’m Kate. I’m a sensitive and empathetic Pisces who is fiercely loyal and loving to those I care for in my life. My transformative story begins when I started dreaming of a life beyond the daily 8-5 job. Instead of settling for a life that didn’t resonate with my heart, I admitted to myself that I needed to make changes.

After meeting with a holistic life coach, I learned how to care for my mind, body, and spirit and to see myself as a whole person. I used this holistic approach to change everything from rewiring my habits, transforming my thought patterns, redefining my actions, and ultimately redesigning my entire life.

My passions include a deep desire to help others, being creative, being in nature, appreciating every moment I have with loved ones, and spending time with my huskies.

My mission is finally clear to me: I’m here to help and teach those who find themselves stuck and suffering, like I was. Through my journey, I’ve discovered that there’s a better way to live - a life free from fear and unhappiness.

With our new podcast, The Illuminated Path Podcast, we want everyone to know that they’re not alone and to provide guidance and support for them to start their own holistic journey to create a life that’s authentically joyful and fulfilling.


We always say…
“If we help even one person, then it has all been worth it.”